Jonathan Kay from Grasshopper sent me a great video on entrepreneurship. First I love the inspirational message. Secondly, I like the use of a viral video to cleverly promote his virtual PBX numbers for entrepreneurs. Take a look and hopefully it will brighten up your day.
What I love about the message is that entrepreneurship is not about making money but about pursuing a passion and doing your part to make great products to make the world a better place. OK-it may sound a little hokey but I remember during the bubble how entrepreneurs would come in talking about how much money they would make for everyone but have no passion for their product. And guess what, many of these monetary focused entrepreneurs were the first ones to quit when the world got tough. Without a bigger sense of purpose, it is hard to be an entrepreneur and stick through the inevitable tough times that will come your way.
Thanks for sharing this vid Ed, it really made my day! With all the doom & gloom entrepreneurs need to reinspire each other when & if we can - cause no-one else can really understand why we get so crazy & passionate & follow our own paths. Brilliant!
Posted by: | May 30, 2009 at 01:33 PM
Great video Ed. Thanks for sharing. Very reminiscent of a book written by Roy Spence about the Purpose Driven Company - whether large or small - purpose is what the entrepreneurs dream about!
Posted by: Dave Powell | July 01, 2009 at 06:05 PM
exclennt video Ed. Thanks for sharing, many of these monetary focused entrepreneurs were the first ones to quit when the world got tough
Posted by: Virtual Numbers | June 10, 2010 at 12:18 PM